Monday, September 24, 2012

Literacy & Economics

What is Economics?

Economics is the study of how people use resources to fulfill their basic needs. It can change overtime. In our world today, we use money/currency to fulfill our needs. Our government uses money to fund programs, pay for military, etc. On a smaller scale, households use money to pay bills, gas, food, etc. .

Economics in the elementary school
How can we teach students to be literate in economics?
  1. Relating ideas to current events
  2. Biz Movie Project
  3. Using Picture Books to read, discuss and create 

In class we discussed several children's books that dealt with Economics. The one that I looked at was for grades 1-2 and was called "How Much is a Million?" By David Schwartz. It talked about the value of money and ideas for what to do with money. It talked about responsible spending, saving and how to make more money. It also talked about banks and using checks. I think this book puts economics in a really good perspective for students and I would use it in a lesson. For example, I would read it aloud to the students and then ask them, "If I gave you $10, what would you do with it?". I would have them write in their notebooks and then share their answers with the rest of the class. 

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